Balatro: You can keep jokers in place by clicking and holding on them. - The Something Awful Forums

Balatro is a deck-building roguelite where you must play poker hands and earn chips to defeat enemy blinds. Enhance your deck of playing cards, buy Jokers to modify each hand you play, and discover new and wild synergies to win! Short form: Early on you need very little in the way of mults/chips to hit thresholds so typically you want one or two economy jokers to build up your funds. From there you slowly change from economy jokers to score/utility jokers to make the blinds. The only reason to keep an economy joker in your pool late game is if it’s polychrome, negative or it’s actively helping your mult due to effects of other jokers. As for building the deck itself, typically you build around the jokers you get, not build in anticipation of the jokers you might get. If the game is tossing flush jokers at you and you’re building the deck for straights you may lose pretty quickly. All hands can win a run with the right build and foresight. Long form: Here’s a good vid from Haelian One thing to put into the guides part, hands and jokers are tallied up from left to right in order in MOST cases. Conditional triggers from jokers will trigger first before triggering other effects in the joker pool from left to right. Example: Your jokers are in order: Campfire (+.5x mult per sold card starting at 1x mult), Scary Face (face cards get +30 chips) and Joker (+4 mult) If you play a three of a kind of Kings and Campfire is at 1.5x, you will trigger the Scary Face first per king, then the Campfire and finally the Joker. The Campfire is mostly wasted due to it going first in front of the +4 mult from the Joker. So you end up with a 7.5 mult as you would get 3 from the hand, then 1.5x from Campfire then +4 from the Joker. If you switch the Joker and Campfire you get: 3 from the hand + 4 from the Joker which is 7 then 1.5x which is 10.5 mult. Adding the chips which would be 150 (30 for the hand + 30 for each king + 90 from the Scary Face) you would have 1125 chips in the first example, but 1575 in the second example. Typical rule of thumb is: +Chips or +Mult goes on the left, anything that does xMult goes on the right. These rules apply to cards/jokers that have Foil, Hologram, Polychrome, Mult, Enhanced, Lucky, or Glass. Let’s start with a basic Glass card. That’s a 2x (2x) Multiplier, simple enough. Now let’s make it a Polychrome Glass card. Now it’s 2x/1.5x (3x). A little better. And let’s give it a Red Seal. Red Seals cause a played card to trigger an additional time, and both the above effects are applied on trigger. So, this would give it 2x/2x/1.5x/1.5x (9x)! But we’re just getting started. Say this cards a king and you have, yes, Triboulet. Now it’s 2x/2x/2x/2x/1.5/1.5. (36x) Juicy, powerful, liable to explode don’t worry about that. Now let’s put a Blueprint left of it, for another 2x/2x. 2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/2x1.5/1.5. (144x) And lets add… Oh, Sock and Buskin. Now, this ones special, giving another trigger to face cards. So that (144x) becomes… 2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/2x//2x/2x/2x//1.5/1.5/1.5 (1728x) and what the hell, we’re this deep in lets slap a Brainstorm on the right (still keeping Blueprint and Triboulet neighbors), duplicating Sock and Buskin. 2x/2x/2x/2x2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/2x/1.5/1.5/1.5/1.5 (20736x) now that’s a big multiplier! except no, it’s just one card. You get up to five. 1: (20736x) 2: (429,981,696x) 3: (8,916,100,448,256x) 4: (184,884,258,895,036,416x) 5: (3,833,759,992,447,475,122,176x) and let’s not forget steel cards for an extra 1.5 each, or a joker to trigger those again or planets buffing base multiplier and chips- Look, you get the point. Even under actual, non-theoretical limits, triggers are important and if anyone would actually reaches nevermind clears Ante 16 without severe trigger abuse I’ll be shocked. Broadly, in order to score well you need: 1. A way to add chips 2. A way to add multiplier 3. A way to multiply multiplier Playing big hands and leveling them up is a decent source of chips, but a poor source of multiplier. The difference in multiplier between playing something like a level 4 flush and playing an unleveled high card is less than a single mediocre joker, the biggest thing you’re getting from the flush is chips. Jokers are a great source of multiplier. Lots of jokers add multiplier and a lot of them are not even particularly specialized (which is good, because if you’re relying on base hand scoring then you don’t want to put all your eggs in one basket unless it’s a really really good basket and a lot of the basic “+chips/+multiplier for a specific hand” jokers are not really worth it unless they have something like permanent scaling or multiplicative multipliers.) There are also ways to add chips from your jokers, but these are not as common as you need to keep an eye out for them. If you have a lot of chips from jokers and a lot of multiplier from jokers then the actual hand you play doesn’t matter much, but if you only have multiplier from jokers then you need to be scoring good 5-card hands to get any reasonable score at all. At this point a joker that helps you get those good hands more reliably starts to look pretty useful, but again, just hitting the big hand every hand probably isn’t enough if you don’t have some added multiplier. Suppose for example that you have 5 jokers adding an average of +10 multiplier each (a fairly mediocre build.) If you play a single ace, you score 16 chips x 51 multiplier for a little over 800. If you score a level 4 flush with decent card values you might score something like 120 chips x 60 multiplier = 7200. So you better hope that you can use enough tarots/spectral cards that you can reliably score that flush. On the other hand, if you have 3 jokers adding +10 multiplier each and 2 jokers adding +100 chips, then your single ace now scores almost 3600 and your flush scores 8800. The flush is still obviously better but the gap is much smaller and it’s not as immediately fatal if you miss your flush. (If you only have chips from jokers and no real multipliers, you’re probably gonna die barring Shenanigans, because even leveled up hands have very low multiplier compared to what you get from jokers. If you had +250 chips from jokers with no source of multiplier, the same flush is now only scoring 3700, about as bad as a level 1 high card from the more balanced loadout. Also, since chips are less common on jokers you’re probably not even going to get to +250.) These aren’t very high scores, but these are pretty low bonuses for jokers, equivalent to the modifiers on holo/foil cards. Which means that if you get all shiny cards you can have a set of jokers that gives one of the sets of chips/multiplier above in addition to the actual bonuses on the joker! So go for those shiny cards, the skip bonus that guarantees one in the next shop is very good unless you have a rock solid joker build and/or no money. (Which is another important point: try not to be broke. Holding onto cash between rounds earns you interest, unless you’re playing with the Green Deck. Don’t go below $10 unless there is something amazing for sale, like a shiny joker with a big value ability.) Similarly, the voucher that makes shiny jokers more common is extremely valuable. Even then, that only goes far. A reasonably strong joker base chips/multiplier joker build with 2 foils and 2 holos might see something like, I dunno, +270 chips and +90 multiplier. At this point you’re clearing 25k on a high card and 39k with a level 4 flush. That probably gets you over the finish line, but you still might get sunk by a particularly nasty boss blind. After a certain point you need to stop looking at things that add multiplier and start looking at things that multiply multiplier. The worst joker in that build might only be adding +20 multiplier, which is only about 25% of your score. If you swap it out for a joker with x1.5 multiplier, you’re going to get a much bigger boost. And that’s equivalent to a polychrome joker that does absolutely nothing else for you, there are much better multipliers available. There are also never any diminishing returns on multiplicative bonuses: if you play a level 4 flush and have a single joker that gives +20 multiplier it just tripled your score, but a second +20 multiplier joker only increases it a further 40%. But no matter how many x2 jokers you have they will always double your score, which racks up very quickly. The only caveat is that you still need a reasonable base score for the x2 jokers to fire off, if you get too greedy fishing for polychromes and big multipliers then you will hit the wall pretty quickly–you still can’t neglect the need for base chips/multiplier. tl;dr: 1. Pick up some jokers that add chips 2. Pick up some jokers that add multiplier 3. Pick up some jokers that multiply multiplier Extraordinary stuff. Also a tip for new players, you can turn up the speed of cards in the settings, it’s a nice feature once you’re bored of seeing everything tick slowly. I did find out that :siren:holding R will restart your run:siren: which is a much quicker way of restarting a run rather than going through a menu I watched this the other day so I might be remembering it wrong, but the changes aren’t to the scoring. His move only takes effect between scoring and calculating the additional money collected. So when it start scoring it “locks” the joker order for that purpose, but reads the new order when calculating funds. Unless I read that completely wrong while I was watching. Provided I become a Buddha, if in that country of mine the beings who are born there should not all be of the colour of genuine gold, then may I not attain the enlightenment. 85 completed gold stake runs and I’ve got Completionist++! Chicot was the last one to cross off.For most commonly used jokers: 20+: Supernova, Stuntman (da goat), Blackboard 15-19: Square Joker, Hologram, Vampire, Green Joker 10-14: Blue Joker, Card Sharp, Ride the Bus, Abstract Joker, Baseball Card Glad to answer any questions~ Had a ridiculous build playing flush five of a kind Kings. absolutely bonkers luck. run still going. dont think i owe any infernal powers for this, not entirely sure though e: instant hubris karma as the very next small blind got me. still, gives a good idea of what its gonna take to crack the highest Ante’s e2: yknow what thats probably enough balatro for one night, got some good unlocks that’ll really help future runs I have broken the ??? barrier? I don’t know what number that is! EDIT The run finally died on Ante 14, the seed is H1VSVW7D with the Erratic Deck. If you want to toy with optimizing it yourself. I certainly didn’t do things the smartest things in the run. well its not getting better than this for me. blueprinted a triboulet. has the face cards trigger twice joker. and the one that makes everything retrigger on the final hand. got a negative baron too, but it barely mattered Not sure if I’m ever gonna get this lucky again:insert e run here I was starting to get annoyed that I hadn’t seen a legendary jokers yet until I was blessed with 2 legendaries from the same shop. I ended up with 12 jokers thanks to the anaglyph deck. My deck was pretty much just steel and glass kings and got my highest score ever. I swapped out one of my jokers for the one that retriggers everything on the last hand played. I also recently bought the voucher that drops the ante at the expense of -1hand. My dumbass immediately miscounted how many hands I had left and I played high card instead of 5 of a kind completely punting my run at ante 12.. I hope someone who has more than a timeshare of a single braincell can take this seed to it’s true potential. I think I hit a new record for the thread. Seed is in the screenshot if you want to try it out with the Ghost Deck, White Stakes. Final Jokers were:Yorick Perkeo Triboulet Sock and Buskin Negative Driver’s License Blueprint Polychrome BrainstormGameplay spoilers:I ended up getting a Cryptid and an Eris (flush five planet) in my inventory, and with Blueprint+Brainstorm+Perkeo I was able to make 3 copies between the two every time I left the shop. Eventually I got a Polychrome King which I copied a bunch, then I made one of them glass and copied that one a bunch, then I got to add a Red Seal to one of them and copied that a few times, but the Ante 14 boss was The Plant and ruined all my Kings before I was able to ever play a 5x Glass Red Seal Polychrome King Hand. For Joker ordering I think the optimal was the following: Triboulet, Sock and Buskin, Blueprint, Brainstorm, Driver’s License, Yorick Flush Five was somewhere around level 15-20, so I around 550x50 or something like that. I’ll say 500x50 for ease of math. Had I been able to play a full Flush Five of Polychrome, Glass, Red Sealed Kings, it would have been the following: Base: 500x50 For each King: +10 chips, x2 (Triboulet), x2 (Blueprint), x2 (Brainstorm), x1.5x (Polychrome), x2 (Glass) (Total +10 chips, x24 mult) repeat all of the above from Red Seal (Total +20 chips, x576 mult) repeat all of the above from Sock and Buskin (Total +40 chips, x 331776 mult) Do that all 5 times (Total +200 chips, x4019988717840603673710821376 mult) x3 mult from Driver’s License, x1.5 mult from Polychrome Brainstorm, x5 mult from Yorick (Total +200 chips, x90449746151413582658493480960 mult) +500 chips and x50 mult from the base hand = 700 chips x 4522487307570679132924674048000 mult orScore: 3.16574e+33 chipsI’m so sad I didn’t get to play the best possible hand, but this was amazing fun either way. Well that’s going to be hard to beat, could have kept it going to but I played 4 queens on the loosing hand instead of 5 :(The jokers: YES Interesting i love using the anaglyph deck to load up on negative jokers Don’t think I’ll ever see these heights again. The two copy Jokers and DNA to generate (3 new kings per match) a deck mostly of Red Seal, Holographic (not Polychrome , Glass Kings. This is why most played is High Card - my winning hands were all Flush Five or Four of a Kinds. During the matches the copyjokers switch to copying one each of Sock and Buskin and the X2 Mult for scored Kings and Queens Legendary, for complicated mathematical reasons that I kind of get but the excellent Balatro simulator helped me confirm (add Five of a Kind please, could only run the numbers with 4). A smattering of other jokers, one the X2 Mult to first played face card, that was an extra little boost but at those heights I was looking very specifically for retriggering or ways to get the last few non UltraKing cards out of my deck. Everything else was pretty irrelevant. Ghost Deck, spectrals make breaking the game way easier. Yeah, but when it works well it works REALLY REALLY well Though who knows, maybe a regular deck would have been just as good. Triboulet is pretty awesome. Finally got my first E score! This was when I realised I might have a good run on my hands. I’d gotten to about Ante 6 or 7 with Campfire, but dropped it for either Hologram or Vampire, I forget which came first. Previous to this point, I’d also had Cartomancer which created a Tarot card each blind, which fed Fortune Teller directly, and Vampire indirectly through the enhanced cards. Marble Joker added a Stone card each blind, which directly fed Hologram, and again indirectly fed Vampire with the stone cards. I also had vouchers that gave me more interest, cheaper cards in the store, and the ability to buy playing cards from the store, so I could just pour cards into Hologram. The next couple of shops went nuts. Cavendish just did it’s thing and I’d been playing pretty much just pairs up until that point, so I had a huge window with Obelisk. I had enough econ that I didn’t need Marble joker to create enhanced cards for me, I could just buy packs to increase the flat mult on Fortune Teller then 5 mult multipliers after that should go crazy. By the end I had around 75 mult x 3.5 x 3 x 15 x 17 x 17 and finished up in Ante 14. As always, an element of luck with getting the jokers in the first place, but it definitely felt like a run that I was able to build from the knowledge of the game I’d built up, knowing when to pivot and such. The wild thing is that a Vampire + Blueprint setup is still only quadratic scaling (or quartic scaling on the Plasma Deck, I guess) and will rapidly fall behind the greater-than-exponential-growth of the blinds. One of the “in-hand” multiplication builds seems like the only real way to stack multiplications repeatedly and get a long way into Endless - I had one just now which got me to Ante 14 and probably could’ve got me further if I managed my deck better/I didn’t get really unlucky on one of the blinds and fail to get a hand full of Kings for the first time in ages. Beat Ante 14 for the first time ever with Blueprint/Brainstorm/Hologram/Burned/DNA. Got high card leveled up to the 90s with a deck that contained 80+ Red tag/holo/Steel aces. Deck was already producing e numbers at the end of ante 8, feels like I could have gone a lot further if I transitioned from upgrading high card to upgrading flush 5 with Burned around then. I have a lot of trouble swapping hands, feels wrong to give up dozens of levels on a hand in the hope your new hand will outscale it 6 rounds from now assuming you survive till then with your ‘primary’ hand no longer scaling up. e: Thinking about it would flush 5 even be better than just holding 4 extra red tag/steel cards in hand? Game rules. Tried to get the 100,000,000 point hand to unlock that joker, ended up going quite a bit beyond New best run on white stake/yellow deck: a deck consisting entirely of queens of hearts, half steel and half glass. Two triboulets doubling multiplier for every queen I play for x32 each, campfire with a stupid economy for x6-10, a polychrome family for x6, and a steel joker for x4.5. And it still died to the first blind of ante 14, getting 9.3e11 with an optimal hand out of 2.9e13 needed and ending at a mere 2e12. I think to take it further I would have needed mime and/or seltzer bottle and/or red seals… Still, at least I got the ROI and flushed achievements at the same time. Purple stake’s not loving around huh e: Guess which Joker’s the one I duped to make a second polychrome Baron lol Those babies, Mime and Brainstorm finally got me 1.7 billion in one hand for stuntman lol, then 4.6e14 lmao. I finally won Balatro Got my first E hand, haven’t really been shooting for them but I was just climbing on blue deck for my next gold and stumbled across a midgame polychrome 2 and hack so I shot for it. Couple jokers could have taken it to the next level (ended up with 6 slots due to voucher). And I legit never saw a glass tarot for the rest of the game but can’t complain. Finally hit scientific notation! Two poly triboulet + poly supernova + hanging chad + sock and buskin. Got to ante 12, died to the plant because I was never offered any sort of boss reroll by the time I realized this would go the distance. It got very silly very quickly. In a situation like this, where most of your points are coming from cards left in your hand, yeah, you should just be playing high card. That would be two more queens in your hand, each of them multiplying your mult by 1.5 twice, vs whatever base mult you’re getting from 3 of a Kind. Also, you’ve got Perkeo, but nothing in your inventory. That’s a massive mistake, Perkeo is incredibly powerful and you should always have at least one card sitting around even if it’s just to sell them I’m upset that I hosed this run up: At the start of Ante 18, a spectral pack offered me an ectoplasm “Oh, brilliant!” says I, not thinking about the consequences of -2 hand size Alas. Ayy I did it. Spent too much time adding cards to my deck before I got the Baron, but not bad for my first time past ante 12 small blind. Went through like 20 hands digging for Mimic in the shop with no luck. Probably should have dropped the Burnt Joker earlier but I couldn’t resist temptation to keep double leveling high card every hand. Finally unlocked Stuntman and got my first e-value hand, thanks to Shoot the Moon, Mime, Hologram, Obelisk, and Blueprint. Also Burnt Joker for the first 7 antes and Square Joker for the first 3. I made it to ante 13! Made it to scientific notation for the first time. 5e24, crashed out on the boss blind of ante 16. If I had managed to slip a red tag into my king duping engine it would have been something amazing. loving finally Lived the dream with a negative tag, along with Bull which was a legit part of the build I got to sneak in useless copies of Jolly Joker, Drunkard, Zany Joker, and Shoot the Moon If only ios had the update they’d have all been free and I could have cashed in the last few without potentially shutting down Bull, oh well I finally got into scientific notation scoring on a pretty wild run. I played Anaglyph with the intent of getting a ton of negative jokers via double tags, and got a Perkeo in like the first shop, and over time managed to get an entire deck full of polychrome steel kings, with Mime to double the steel and Blueprint + Brainstorm + Baron to stack a bajillion 1.5x bonuses off of everything in hand. Unfortunately I never found any red seals and I imagine they would have helped me get up into Ante 17 and beyond, but my best hand was 3.311e19 and by god I

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