Hiker (Joker) Balatro Wiki Fandom

Hiker gives every card you play and score a small Chips boost for the rest of your run. This boost remains even if the joker is sold. Hiker is strong in decks where you have fewer than normal cards, such as the Abandoned Deck, as you can more reliably find the cards you want to upgrade. It also… Hiker


Every played card permanently gains +5 Chips when scored Every played card permanently gains +5 Chips when scored




Buy Price

$ 5

Sell Price

$ 2




On Scored

Buy Price

$ 5 $ 5

Sell Price

$ 2 $ 2


Chips Chips


On Scored On Scored

Unlock Requirement

Available from start. Available from start.


Hiker is strong in decks where you have fewer than normal cards, such as the Abandoned DeckAbandoned Deck, as you can more reliably find the cards you want to upgrade. It also benefits from centralization around certain ranks, as those cards will already be played more often. This makes certain Erratic DeckErratic Deck configurations help Hiker. Red DeckRed Deck and Blue DeckBlue Deck allow one to either find the cards they want to upgrade more easily or upgrade more cards per round. Painted DeckPainted Deck’s increased hand size can aid in finding the cards one wants to upgrade as well, in addition to making better hands easier to find for those cards.

Poker Hands

Hiker upgrades whenever cards are scored. Naturally, hands with more scoring cards will perform better with Hiker. In particular, Full House, Four of a Kind, Five of a Kind, Flush House, and Flush Five work well as they allow playing multiple of the same rank, upgrading multiple cards of that rank at the same time and making them more appealing and powerful to play in the future.

High Card and Pair are generally the worst to play with Hiker, as the fewest cards are scored. There are some circumstances where they are decent, but those circumstances are uncommon.


Retrigger Jokers are invaluable to Hiker’s success, as they allow cards to be scored multiple times and get upgraded multiple times. In addition, each scoring will add multitudes of chips to the final score, as the cards played ideally have dozens, even hundreds of bonus chips. Sock and BuskinSock and Buskin and HackHack work best for these purposes, as their retriggers are only rank-reliant.

SplashSplash has an interesting synergy with Hiker. Because it scores all cards played, certain cards can be upgraded with Hiker that normally would not be due to the hand. This dual combo can act as a strong chip provider for High Card and Pair builds, as one can focus on playing the same cards again and again to continuously upgrade them without caring about rank.

Jokers that give Mult based on cards played are helpful, such as Smiley FaceSmiley Face and FibonacciFibonacci, especially if they also benefit from the retriggers Hiker loves.

VagabondVagabond can work well with Hiker, as it requires many hands to be played to work the best. A number of other Jokers like this benefit as well, like Ride the BusRide the Bus and Spare TrousersSpare Trousers.

VampireVampire can occasionally work well with Hiker. The bonus chips Hiker provides makes up for the lack of enhancements on cards. This idea also combos well with VagabondVagabond, as one can end up playing many hands to get as much value from Vampire and Vagabond as possible while also upgrading all their cards. This does weaken one of Hiker’s main draws, though, that being buffing already powerful enhanced, editioned, and/or sealed cards to even greater heights.

DNADNA, ironically, works best with Hiker after Hiker has been sold. Creating copies of cards will usually end up flooding the deck with too many cards to upgrade in a round, and takes away a hand that could otherwise be used upgrading cards. It is better to copy an already powerful card after Hiker is sold to retroactively make it as if Hiker buffed an additional card each round it was used.


  • This is the only way to directly affect the chips a card provides in a way that cannot be overwritten, short of copying over the card with another or destroying it.

Update History

1.0.1f- Effect

  • +4 Chips to every scoring card -> +5 Chips to every scoring card


  • Effect

  • +1 Chips to every scoring card -> +4 Chips to every scoring card

In other languages

Language Name Notes
Chinese (Simplified) 徒步者
Chinese (Traditional) 登山小丑
Dutch Lifter
French Randonneur
German Wanderer
Indonesian Hiker
Italian Escursionista
Japanese ハイカー
Korean 도보 여행자
Polish Wycieczkowicz
Portuguese (Brazilian) Caminhante
Russian Турист
Spanish (Spain) Senderista
Spanish (Latin America) Excursionista
Jokers in Balatro
Chips Jokers
Additive Mult Jokers
Multiplicative Mult Jokers
Chips and Mult Jokers
Economy Jokers
Effect Jokers

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