Green Deck
Green Deck Wiki

- Limitation
- At end of each Round: $2 per remaining Hand $1 per remaining Discard Earn no Interest
- Unlock Requirement
- Discover at least 75 items from your collection.
Green Deck Limitation At end of each Round: $2 per remaining Hand $1 per remaining Discard Earn no Interest Unlock Requirement Discover at least 75 items from your collection. The Green Deck is an unlockable deck that at the end of a round provides $2 per remaining Hand and $1 per remaining Discard but does not earn interest. This deck is unlocked by discovering 75 items in the collection.
Some Jokers such as Merry Andy Burglar or Drunkard can increase the earnings from Green Deck by providing more Discards or Hands.
🃏 Stuff that may be fun to know.
tips and tricks
Winning with only 1 Hand becomes very important with this Deck as this will be your main source of income. Try to avoid using multiple Hands or Discards in a Blind.
👍 Stuff that may be fun to know.
🎟️ Stuff that may be fun to know.
📚 Stuff that may be fun to know.
Green Deck Languages
- Chinese (Simplified)
- 绿色牌组
- Chinese (Traditional)
- 綠色牌組
- Dutch
- Groen kaartspel
- French
- Jeu vert
- German
- Grünes Deck
- Indonesian
- Green Deck
- Italian
- Mazzo verde
- Japanese
- グリーンデッキ
- Korean
- 그린 덱
- Polish
- Zielona talia
- Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Baralho Verde
- Russian
- Зеленая колода
- Spanish (Spain)
- Baraja verde
- Spanish (Latin America)
- Baraja verde
このサイトはコレクションに関連する記事のみを収集しています。元のテキストを表示するには、以下のリンクをコピーして開いてください:Green Deck