Flower Pot (Joker)
Flower Pot (Joker) Wiki

- Rarity
- Uncommon
- buyprice
- $ 6
- Sellprice
- $ 3
- Type
- Multiplicative Mult
- activation
- Independent
- unlock
- Reach Ante Level 8
- Effect Desc
- X3 Mult if poker hand contains a Diamond card Club card Heart card and Spade card
Flower Pot Effect X3 Mult if poker hand contains a Diamond card Club card Heart card and Spade card Rarity Uncommon Stats Buy Price $ 6 Sell Price $ 3 Type Multiplicative Mult Activation Independent Unlock Requirement Reach Ante Level 8
Flower Pot is an uncommon Joker that rewards you with x3 Mult for playing at least one card of every suit.
Debuffed cards still count for their suit. Debuffed wild cards dont count though this seems to be a bug.
🂠 Abandoned Deck is easier to sift through with discards due to its smaller size.
🂠 Checkered Deck has anti-synergy: This deck doesnt have club or diamond cards meaning Flower Pot is impossible to trigger without adding other cards to the deck creating wildcards or converting cards to other suits.
Poker Hands
♥️ Four of a Kind: Playing this without deck modifications requires one card of every suit anyway.
♥️ Straight: It is easy enough to use at least one of every suit since Straights only care about rank.
♥️ Two Pair: Harder to get four different suits than a straight but its easier than a Four of a kind.
♥️ Full House: With five cards its easier to get four different suits.
♥️ Flush-based hands: Not without extremely specific circumstances.
♥️ Any hand with fewer than four cards (unless you have Splash).
🃏 Splash is easily one of the best Jokers to use with Flower Pot since it lets you play smaller hands like Pairs or High Cards and still reap the x3 Mult reward.
🃏 Seeing Double will always trigger alongside Flower pot when you play a proper hand to do so.
🃏 The Family and The Order synergize with Flower Pots best hand types.
🃏 Smeared Joker loosens the requirements to trigger Flower Pots effect from one card of each suit to two of each color.
📚 In poker the pot is the chips that have been bet and therefore the money to be won likely derived from the word jackpot. In this way Flower Pot is a play on this term given that Flower Pot helps grow the pot with its x3 Mult.
Flower Pot (Joker) Languages
- Chinese (Simplified)
- 花盆
- Chinese (Traditional)
- 盆栽
- Dutch
- Bloempot
- French
- Pot de fleurs
- German
- Blumentopf
- Indonesian
- Flower Pot
- Italian
- Vaso di fiori
- Japanese
- フラワーポット
- Korean
- 화분
- Polish
- Doniczka
- Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Vaso de Flores
- Russian
- Цветочный горшок
- Spanish (Spain)
- Florero
- Spanish (Latin America)
- Florero
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