Glass Joker (Joker)
Glass Joker (Joker) Wiki

- Rarity
- Uncommon
- buyprice
- $ 6
- Sellprice
- $ 3
- Type
- Multiplicative Mult
- activation
- Independent
- unlock
- Have 5 or more Glass cards in your deck.
- Effect Desc
- This Joker gains X0.75 Mult for every Glass Card that is destroyed (Currently X1 Mult)
Glass Joker Effect This Joker gains X0.75 Mult for every Glass Card that is destroyed (Currently X1 Mult) Rarity Uncommon Stats Buy Price $ 6 Sell Price $ 3 Type Multiplicative Mult Activation Independent Unlock Requirement Have 5 or more Glass cards in your deck.
The Glass Joker starts at x1 Mult and gains x0.75 Mult every time a glass card is destroyed be it breaking after being played in a hand or the effects of Hanged Man or Immolate.
This Joker cannot receive the Perishable sticker.
🃏 DNA: This Joker allows duplicating Glass Cards easier and they could break in the process immediately providing a buff for Glass Joker.
🃏 Splash: Allowing five Glass Cards to be played at once if players cant form a 5 cards hand with the current Glass Cards in their hand. Lots of chance for Glass Cards to break.
🃏 Oops! All 6s: With this Joker equipped Glass Card will break half of the time providing quick buff for Glass Joker.
📚 This Joker is part of a series along with Stone Joker Steel Joker Golden Ticket and Lucky Cat where the Joker seems to only appear once players have at least one card with the relevant enhancement in their deck.
Glass Joker (Joker) Languages
- Chinese (Simplified)
- 玻璃小丑
- Chinese (Traditional)
- 玻璃小丑
- Dutch
- Glazen Joker
- French
- Joker de verre
- German
- Glas-Joker
- Indonesian
- Glass Joker
- Italian
- Jolly di vetro
- Japanese
- グラスジョーカー
- Korean
- 글래스 조커
- Polish
- Szklany Joker
- Portuguese (Brazilian)
- Curinga de Vidro
- Russian
- Стеклянный джокер
- Spanish (Spain)
- Comodín de vidrio
- Spanish (Latin America)
- Comodín de vidrio
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